In accounting, Smart Sense Financial comunicates financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management.
Such financial information is primarily used by managers, lenders, investors, tax authorities, regulators, and other decision makers such as yourself with the help of Smart Sense Financial to make resource allocation decisions between and within companies, organizations, and public agencies. It involves the process of recording, verifying, and reporting of the value of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses in the books of account (ledger) to which debit and credit entries are chronologically posted to record changes in value. Smart Sense Financial will interpret and simplify the results thereof.
We are aware that our clients might not need help in every aspect of accounting, some may need assistance in Bank Reconciliations or Accounts Payable & Receivable, and for others it could be Tax Planning or Tax Return Preparation maybe even Audit Representation. Whatever the case may be Smart Sense Financial has you covered. The distinct aspects of accounting are laid out for your benefit, in order to save you money and time.

Companies often take a defensive strategy to minimize Sales Tax audit assessments. Although professional representation is not required of a company during an audit, Smart Sense Financial’s specialists in Sales and Use tax are employed to ensure the audit runs smoothly.
Allthough Sales and Use tax laws quite dificult to understand, failure to comply with the sales and use tax rules can lead to tax assessments, interest and penalties. The corporate officers and owners can even be held personally liable for these amounts due.
Substantial underreporting, whether by accident or not, almost always results in penalties and can lead to a referral for a criminal investigation. Remember when you are under audit, the sales tax auditor is looking to issue your business the largest assessment legally sustainable.
Smart Sense Financial’s goal is to assist businesses, accountants, attorneys, clients and all parties involved in understanding and complying with the sales and use tax laws. When confronting obstacles we will work for you quickly and efficiently to resolve all sales and tax issues, thus minimizing any amount you may owe.

Smart Sense Financial’s Notary Public is a public officer legally empowered to serve the public in non-contentious matters usually concerned with powers-of-attorney, estates, deeds and international and foreign business. Our notary’s main functions are to administer oaths and…

By supplying Smart Sense Financial with all records of transactions, we can prepare the filing of income tax returns. Because United States income tax laws are considered to be complicated, many people and corporations seek outside assistance with taxes (59.2% of individual tax returns in 2007 were filed by paid prepare). We want to help you get a hold of your finances and we do so, quickly, effectively and efficiently. Don’t wait till the end of the season, initiating this process early ensures detailed view of all transactions necessary to minimize tax. Besides Individual Tax Returns, Smart Sense Financial also handles Corporation Tax Returns, Partnership Tax Returns, and Texas Margin Tax Forms.

Smart Sense Financial, with its quick, effective and efficient Payroll Services, offers you an extensive knowledge in the Payroll Service business. Because compliance issues are an imporant factor, our specialists make that our top priority, also, you can trust that your employees are receiving the best benefits, thus helping you, the employer, carry on with your business. Each pay period you will receive a Payroll Service Package which includes:
* Employee earnings statements.
* Payroll journals.
* Month-to-date department summaries.
* A notice of cash needed to cover payroll expenses and tax liabilities.
* Timely and accurate notifications of tax liabilities and deposits.
* Payroll worksheets to record your next payroll.
Smart Sense Financial does everything from setting up each employee, printing or direct deposit set up for each employee, makes payroll liability tax payments on behalf of the client, and does all payroll reports throught the year. Smart Sense Financial also covers year end forms, such as 941, TWC, 940, W2, W3 and 1099 forms for sub contact workers.
Because you have unique needs, Smart Sense Financial provides you with a wide range of services to help you in a particular area that will set your financial affairs in order ensuring a solid foundation and helping you get back on track with a smooth running operation. Please click on any of the desired services for a more detailed description.
“I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones”
-John Cage